Preparing your child for grade school through kindergarten in Gladstone

If you’re about to send your child to kindergarten they should have the skills and confidence. It helps them become more successful in grade school and beyond. Students need to be kindergarten-ready. This means they should have the social, emotional, academic, and, physical ability to make their way through kindergarten. How to ensure kindergarten readiness … Continue reading "Preparing your child for grade school through kindergarten in Gladstone"

North lakes Child Care

It is evident that kids are supposed to ascertain and progress through play. Then they are clever to trial with new ideas, theories and their insight of concepts, put across their creative ability, let lose their emotions and contribute to their feelings. At the same time, they are engaging in taking part in the family … Continue reading "North lakes Child Care"

How to pray with children?

The words of prayer Thanks to the Gospels, we know that the words of the Lord’s Prayer are the most accurate to address God. This is the exemplary prayer that Jesus himself gave to his disciples. Many prayers enrich the prayer of the Christian. They come from texts of the Old or New Testament, psalms, etc. They help establish … Continue reading "How to pray with children?"